Submit Request Online
Filling out our FREE estimate request form is fast and easy. Get a free estimate for one or more of the following:
- Re-roof with a new foam roof system
- Go solar with a new PV solar system
- Integrate a new home energy storage system
- Integrate a low-profile HVAC system with foam roofing
- Recoat - apply a fresh layer of coating to your existing foam roof
- Resurface - apply spray foam plus coating over your existing foam roof
Providing roof and contact information online is fast, easy and free. No obligations, no junk mail, and no credit cards! A Dura-Foam representative will contact you within 24 hours. |
Note: Service Calls are provided on a time-plus-material basis. Contact our office for a phone-based not-to-exceed estimate and to deploy a technician.
Email Us
When you submit an estimate or service request, the information that you provide is forwarded to our email address. Be sure to write your message in the "comments" section of the contact form.
Call Us
(650) 327-3200. Office personnel are available to take your call during business hours, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday - Friday.